People are being urged not to swim at some inner city Auckland beaches amid water quality issues caused by wastewater overflow and faecal bacteria.

Four beaches — Herne Bay, Home Bay, Judges Bay and Te Tinana — are affected by wastewater overflow, according to Safeswim, putting swimmers at “very high risk”.

“A wastewater overflow has been detected in the area,” a notice on the Safeswim website read.

“Overflows are more common in wet weather but they can happen in dry weather if pipes are blocked or damaged.

“Wastewater overflows occur when wastewater — sewage — spills out from gully traps, manholes, engineered overflow points or pump stations. It then flows into back yards or waterways and the sea.”

There was a high risk notice at other locations including Point Chevalier Beach, St Mary’s Bay and Te Atatu Beach. Swimming was “not advised”.

“Safeswim water quality models predict that levels of Faecal Indicator Bacteria breach national guidelines for swimming, based on guidance published by the Ministry of Health and Ministry for the Environment.”

Yesterday afternoon, around 25 beaches were deemed to be high risk, including some on the North Shore — but no North Shore beaches were still affected this morning.
