From Block

The highs and lows of governance were discussed at a luncheon in Dunedin this week. Business editor Sally Rae reports.Governance is not for the faint-hearted. That was one of the messages from Lauren Semple, one of four women who shared their governance experiences at a Women in Governance luncheon in…

Christopher Luxon has joined with Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in calling again for an end to the conflict in Gaza and voicing support for US President Joe Biden’s ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.The three leaders jointly issued a statement on the need…

A state care abuse survivor and researcher has called the Prime Minister’s acknowledgement of the findings in the Royal Commission Report “really big” as politicians said they want to take a bipartisan approach to their response.Yesterday was an emotional day for survivors of abuse in state and faith-based care.The Royal…

Researchers are calling for a “cultural shift” in the way females are represented across all levels of management, saying there was still “unconscious bias” within some organisations. An Otago University study into gender diversity in the workplace found that women need to be present across the top level of management,…

As Alexandra residents wake to another cold morning, a silent figure slips into the mist. They leave no trace – except for another bottle of flavoured milk dumped at a local petrol station.Members of the small South Island community have noticed a strange recurring phenomenon. Every few days, flavoured milk…

There is a warning that high wholesale power prices could push more small electricity retailers out of business – and hit businesses and households in the pocket.Electric Kiwi said this week it would not accept any new customers for the time being. Chief executive Luke Blincoe said the wholesale market…

If you’re a pork eater, it’s hard to fathom that bacon – and its cold-cut cousin ham – can be judged on a scale. Isn’t it all a salty, fatty dream?No, it is not and the annual 100% New Zealand Bacon and Ham Awards has crowned its 2024 winners.Upper Hutt’s…

The SPCA has warned pet owners not to over-feed their animals after an Auckland woman was prosecuted for failing to meet the health needs of her “morbidly obese” dog. The dog, named Nuggi, weighed 53.7kg when he came into the SPCA’s care in October 2021 after police carried out a…

Pharmac is seeking public consultation on a proposal to fully fund oestradiol gel, an alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) patches, without restrictions as supply issues persist. Oestradiol was used by around 86,000 people in 2023/24 for the treatment of a range of conditions including menopause, osteoporosis, and gender affirming…

Matamata-Piako District Council has been fined $67,500 after discharging sewage into a river over a five-day period in 2023.The case related to an ongoing discharge over the Easter holiday period from the district council’s wastewater treatment plant in Matamata into the Mangawhero Stream, which flows to the Waihou River.The discharge…

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