The Chase’s Mark “The Beast” Labbett and his girlfriend have split up after about a year together.

Labbett, 58, confirmed in June last year that he was seeing British TV presenter and producer Hayley Palmer, 42.

But, over the weekend, Palmer revealed the sad news.

“It is with regret I announce that myself and Mark have gone our separate ways,” she said on Instagram.

“We had the best year together and I truly wish him all the best for the future.

“Off I go to listen to Taylor Swift.”

A source told UK tabloid The Sun: “Mark had a lovely time with Hayley and has a lot of respect for her but they wanted different things.

“She loves getting dressed up and going out to parties and showbiz events, whereas he prefers to stay at home.

They added: “Mark felt there was too much of an age gap between them for long-term success.”
