A surge in demand from students taking up sport, music and art is stretching resources at Canterbury schools.

Kaiapoi High School principal Jason Reid says more students have been signing up for sports and clubs since the Covid-19 restrictions of 2020/21.

Music has seen a huge boost, putting pressure on limited instruments and music tutors.

Last year, the school had to find nearly $50,000 to buy more instruments and pay for more lessons due to the demand, Reid said.

Even then, there were waiting lists.

“We’ve had donations of instruments to provide opportunities, but I can’t get enough instruments and tutors.

“You hear all the time about young people spending too much time on social media and on their devices.

“But the vast majority are taking up opportunities in sport and the arts, not because they are forced to, but because they are choosing it.”

Reid said growing numbers of young people were also looking for opportunities to volunteer in the community.

One deputy head student recently joined the local Rotary Club and was helping establish a youth branch to organise events, he said.

Rangiora High School has also had an upsurge in students participating in sports, music and the arts since Covid, principal Bruce Kearney said.

More students than ever before were studying music, while kapa haka was growing in popularity and team sports numbers were strong, he said.

While youth often got a bad rap, Kearney said he was constantly amazed by the way young people “talk about the concept of kindness”.

“Our motto next year will be ‘don’t just fit in’.

“We want young people to fit in with a sense of belonging.”

The school board of trustees helped to set a school’s vision for the future.

Board of trustees presiding member Simon Green said this year’s head boy David Moore was set to lead by example.

Speaking at the school’s prize-giving at the end of last year, David said year 10 was his least enjoyable school year as he lacked the courage to take opportunities, Green recalled.

“‘His advice was, ‘don’t try to fit in or conform, but follow your passions’. It was really cool to see a young man do well and be courageous.”

LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.
