The man on trial for the murder of Christchurch real estate agent Yanfei Bao abruptly stood up and left the courtroom today, interrupting the proceedings.

A translator for Tingjun Cao said the accused man believed testimony being given to the High Court at Christchurch “was not the truth”.

Cao, who returned to the courtroom today after a short adjournment, had declined to attend the trial yesterday. Justice Lisa Preston advised the jury to take “no inference” from the absence of Cao yesterday, or his walking out today.

Meanwhile, the real estate agent in charge of the property where Bao was allegedly attacked has told the court the house keys were never found back in the lock-box.

The Crown’s case is that the 44-year-old mother had arranged a viewing of the Hornby home for Cao on July 19 2023.

It’s argued the 53-year-old assaulted Bao there, dragged her through the house, and departed with her body in his car boot.

When prosecutor Cameron Stuart opened the case on Monday he said, “You will hear evidence of a trail of blood inside the Trevor Street address where the viewing happened”.

“Some were examined by scientists and found to belong to Ms Bao and Mr Cao.

“The Crown case is that Mr Cao stabbed Ms Bao multiple times, that he buried her, that he tried to cover his tracks and he tried to flee the country,” Stuart told the jury.

Cao has denied the charge of murder.

Giving evidence in the High Court in Christchurch this morning, Harcourts real estate agent Steven Golding said on the day Bao went missing he had missed a few calls from her in the morning.

He recalled speaking with her mid-morning and subsequently exchanging texts regarding her access to the property where she allegedly met Cao.

“She was just inquiring around Trevor St, if it was vacant, and the lock-box code,” he said.

The pair didn’t have any further contact, and in the following days it was discovered the keys were no longer in the lock-box. Golding said they were never found.

The jury heard the property’s locks were replaced two days after Bao’s disappearance.

Golding also told the court an open home was held at the property on Sunday, July 23. He said approximately four people attended.

Defence lawyer Colin Eason asked Golding if police knew about the viewing that weekend.

He said they didn’t, but that he was still permitted to access the property at that time.

Court absences

Cao, who does not speak English, has had two brief absences from court since his trial began on Monday.

On Wednesday, Justice Lisa Preston told the jury he had waived his right to be in court for proceedings.

She excused the jury for the day so arrangements could be made to ensure a fair trial.

On Thursday morning, the defendant was back in court.

“As I told you yesterday before I released you, you are to draw no adverse inference from Mr Cao’s absence from the court on two short occasions.”

She added: “Should Mr Cao elect not to be present in court again, then interpretation can and will continue to be delivered to him through headsets.”

By Katie Stevenson and Laura James
