With Kīngi Tuheitia’s tangihanga underway, a busy kitchen is making sure everyone is cared for at Tūrangawaewae’s famous dining hall, named Kimiora.

Nana Marley Ruri, also known as the dungeon master, makes sure the kai prep area runs smoothly alongside her husband Ray.

Today, smoked trout, tuna and veggies all donated to the marae were being prepared for the hungry bellies nearby.

Ten lambs and two cows were also being butchered – and that’s just for a single day. The work to keep the food flowing is set to roll on for the rest of the week.

But if there’s one thing which gets these busy cooks through the mahi – it’s a good laugh, and plenty of hands to make lighter work.

Kiingitanga spokesperson Rahui Papa told 1News: “It’s all about trying to maintain a wonderful state of mind by having a good laugh. At times this is a very sad occasion, but with that is making sure our people are looked after as they volunteer to do the mahi.”

Teenagers from Auckland’s Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae were among those who arrived early today to get straight to work.

Some Kaimahi also reflected on the work their parents did, and were missing them at this massive tangi.

Rauwhero Pehi-Karaka said: “Oh I’m proud my parents done this before me. I’m just carrying on the legacy. I got my young fulla out there, he’s learning the ropes.”

For more on the busy kitchen and how they are preparing for the busy days ahead, click the video at the top of this article.
