Eight people have been arrested following the tangi of a prominent Mongrel Mob Barbarians leader this weekend.

Mongrel Mob Barbarians’ Napier chapter president, Angus Benson – also known as Heil Dogg – was farewelled at Wharerangi Lawn Cemetery.

Hawke’s Bay area commander Inspector Lincoln Sycamore said police “are reporting relatively few issues arising from the event” at this stage.

Three people were arrested earlier today for displaying gang insignia at various locations in the city, Sycamore said. Further breaches were noted and will be followed up with.

Four others were arrested for “disorder offences” at the Napier Tech clubrooms.

Meanwhile, one man was arrested on Douglas McLean Ave for displaying gang insignia and being in breach of bail conditions.

“Gang members have been generally compliant with the Gangs Act 2024 and where there have been breaches that have not been able to be dealt with safely, information has been gathered to help enable potential follow-up action,” he said.

“This has also been the case with some instances of traffic offending during the funeral procession, which will be followed up.”

Sycamore said there will be a visible police presence in the area this evening and overnight, as well as tomorrow as mourners leave Hawke’s Bay.
