The Bluebridge ferry that lost power in Cook Strait last week is sailing again.

The Connemara blacked out after leaving Wellington last Thursday night and drifted for more than two hours off the south coast before being rescued by tug boats.

Maritime NZ placed it under a detention notice the next day, and that was still in place yesterday, forcing Bluebridge owner Strait NZ cancel its planned sailings.

Strait NZ said the notice was lifted last night, and the ship is safe to sail following a rigourous inspection.

It said the investigation into what caused the power loss is ongoing.

The Bluebridge ferry lost power during a late night sailing on 19 September.

It had 88 people on board, including 24 passengers, 13 freight drivers and crew.

It was towed back to Wellington Harbour after five-and-a-half hours, and later placed under a detention notice by Maritime New Zealand.
