Auckland Airport is overhauling its international check-in systems, replacing counters with more self-service kiosks and bag drops.

A mix of kiosks and desks had been available at both of the airport’s terminals for years – but an airport spokesperson announced the shift away from counters and towards more of the “smarter check-in technology” would begin this summer.

About 100 existing check-in counters would be replaced over the next few years, “upgrading the experience for travellers at New Zealand’s gateway airport” and speeding up the process, the spokesperson said.

Auckland Airport chief customer officer Scott Tasker said self-service check-in was “far quicker than you’d generally experience at a traditional check-in desk”.

“Importantly, it gives travellers control and certainty over the check-in experience,” he said. “The process will be faster, but if you need to take a bit more time or require some assistance, you don’t feel the pressure of a line of people waiting behind you.

“Conversely, if you’re a seasoned traveller, you can get through check-in quickly. It just makes for a more relaxed experience all round.”

The new kiosks and bag drops would be available to all travellers, regardless of airline, he said.

“[That means] multiple airlines can be checking in from the same kiosks at the same time, creating additional capacity and efficiency within the check-in hall,” Tasker said.

“The other advantage is that, by moving people through the check-in process faster, we will be able to manage the expected future passenger numbers for both domestic and international travel without needing to double the size of the check-in area.”

Airport and airline staff would still help passengers that need it, and the transition would occur “zone-by-zone”, he added.

“The check-in project will be carefully staged, but we recognise we are making changes in the heart of the terminal.

“There’s going to be some disruption ahead, with hoardings going up around areas of work, and we want travellers to be prepared for this,” Tasker said.

“It will be worth it in the end, but we ask for travellers’ patience as we get underway with bringing this significant improvement to the check-in experience.”
