An assistant principal at an Auckland high school had his registration cancelled after his inappropriate conduct towards three students and a colleague was exposed.

A recently released report by the Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal detailed former James Cook High School (JCHS) assistant principal Seelandran Ramiah’s behaviour – which saw him send sexual photos and videos of himself, among other incidents.

His behaviour was towards three students in years 12 and 13 and a colleague between 2020 and 2022. 

Ramiah was sacked in May 2022 after signing a voluntary undertaking with the Teaching Council.

He also pleaded guilty to charges of indecent communication and sexual conduct with young people under the age of 16 in March.  His sentencing will take place in August. 

Interactions with the first student begin

In his role at the school, Ramiah was responsible for student engagement and well-being. According to the tribunal, he had taught at the school for “several decades”, having registered as a teacher in 1999. 

The first student’s experience with Ramiah began while she was a Year 10 student attending James Cook High School. 

She had approached him for support after an incident, which he helped resolve.

After this, the pair were “regularly in contact”, with the student approaching Ramiah to discuss personal issues and home life.

The report detailed that the girl was “particularly vulnerable” and suffered anxieties relating to her appearance and weight as a result of the 2020 incident.

“Although she had previously had the support of a professional counsellor, Student A did not have one at the time of these events, instead entrusting her issues in Mr Ramiah. Being responsible for student engagement and wellbeing, Mr Ramiah was aware of this and of Student A’s vulnerabilities,” the report reads.

At some point in 2020, the student obtained Ramiah’s phone number. 

Between April and May 2022, they exchanged more than 2000 messages in and out of school hours. They discussed the student’s body and weight anxieties.

Ramiah would ask the girl to send him photos of her standing on scales – and comment on her weight loss. 

He would also make inappropriate comments regarding her body, describing the girl as “shapely”. 

Eventually, the messages took on a sexual nature

“On multiple occasions, he messaged her describing what he would like to do with her sexually, or with others, as well as describing his previous sexual activity with others,” the report said.

Ramiah would also send the girl nude or semi-nude photos. The girl also sent similar photos, often “encouraged or explicitly requested” by Ramiah.

Ramiah also touched the student inappropriately multiple times. 

Following one incident, he told the student his actions had been “spontaneous” and he was “taken over by desire”.

Ramiah also gave the student a sex toy – offering to tell her how to use it.

Following the discovery of the messages, the principal interviewed the girl and asked if anyone else knew about the relationship. 

The girl said Ramiah wanted her to keep their messages “secret”.

Conduct with other students

His conduct towards a second student, a Year 13, occurred between August 2021 and April 2022, after Ramiah invited the girl to his office.  During this visit, he discussed his sex life and previous affairs he had with other students at the school. 

He also sent her “explicit” messages on an end-to-end encryption app called Signal. The girl received several messages but did not read them – deleting the app as soon as she got home. 

He also gave the girl a book with a picture of a woman wearing lingerie on the cover and offered her a sex toy.

In term one of 2022, the girl ceased contact with Ramiah – and actively avoided him.

His contact with a third student, also Year 13, began in March 2022, shortly before he was fired from James Cook High School.

He asked the student to sit next to him in class and talked about his sex life, other relationships with students, and the various “kinks” he had.

He also sent inappropriate videos to the girl and encouraged her to download Signal so they could message secretly. 

The girl was uncomfortable with the messages and chose to ignore them. 

He continued to approach the girl at school – at one stage kicking her bottom to get her attention. 

Inappropriate behaviour exposed

Ramiah was exposed after he attempted to engage in similar conduct with a recently graduated 18-year-old colleague in a non-teaching position at the school.

The woman told the school’s then-principal that she had been sexually harassed.

She said Ramiah would comment on her body and described what he wanted to do with her sexually. He also sent nude photos and videos of himself masturbating. 

Because of the woman’s age and status at the school, the tribunal found a “clear imbalance of power and control” between them. 

The woman said Ramiah’s behaviour made her anxious and made her not want to go to work. 

After Ramiah’s conduct was reported, he was suspended on full pay while an investigation occurred. 

He later admitted to the allegations from the first student and resigned from teaching.

Ramiah did not comment on the allegations from the other students but admitted to the relationship with his colleague, saying the communication was mutual. 

The tribunal found his behaviour amounted to “serious misconduct” and cancelled his registration. 

“Teachers are required to maintain appropriate professional boundaries with learners. Mr Ramiah’s conduct was wholly incompatible with that requirement,” the report said.

He was also censured and ordered to pay the Complaints Assessment Committee $7102.80 and the Teaching Council $582 in costs.
