Two men allegedly robbed a store on Auckland’s North Shore and then drew the attention of police early this morning by switching their headlights off after seeing a patrol car.
Their actions hastened their arrest even as other officers were only arriving at the scene of the burglary.
A police unit observed a vehicle travelling north on the Hibiscus Coast Highway near Ōrewa at around 4am.
Inspector Mike Rickards said the car headlights were turned off after the occupants saw the police car.
“Ironically, this attracted our staff’s attention even further and the vehicle was signalled to stop.”
The vehicle took off but was not pursued, and traffic cameras were used to track it north towards Pūhoi.
“Eagle had already deployed into the area and, with spikes successfully deployed on Fowler Access Rd, there was nowhere to go for the pair,” Rickards said.
Both men ran into nearby bush but were arrested on directions from the helicopter.
North Shore police confirmed a burglary took place in Birkenhead about half an hour before the vehicle was seen in Ōrewa.
“A retail store on Mokoia Rd was burgled at around 3.30am and was in the process of being reported when our staff were dealing with this pair,” Rickards said.
“The tactical crime unit has now charged them with burglary and are in the fortunate position of being able to return the stolen property.”
The men, aged 35 and 40, wouldappear in the North Shore District Court at a later date.
Man arrested after being found asleep in stolen vehicle
Meanwhile, police caught a man asleep in a stolen vehicle in West Auckland this morning.
Detective Inspector Simon Harrison said a crime squad unit was travelling through Rānui at around 1.34am.
“At first, the night shift team came across a vehicle parked on Bahari Dr with the door wide open and the driver sound asleep.”
Checks revealed the vehicle wasreported stolen from the Wairau Valley area earlier this month.
“The lone man was startled awake when our staff approached him, locating a screwdriver securely resting in his lap,” Harrison said.
A 21-year-old man was arrested and would appear in the Waitākere District Court next week on a charge of unlawfully taking a motor vehicle.