A group of road workers helped stop a woman who was allegedly driving while three times over the legal limit with a baby in the car yesterday.

Police said the road crew first spotted the woman after she drove her vehicle the wrong way through a set of works on SH29 in the Kaimai Ranges.

“She came to a stop, and the roading crew noticed she was disoriented and managed to keep her stationary while police were called.”

Police were called to the scene at around 2pm.

The road workers told police the woman appeared intoxicated when spoken to and saw a baby in the back of the vehicle.

“Units have subsequently arrived at the scene to test the driver for excess breath alcohol, and she was allegedly more than three times the legal alcohol limit,” Senior Sergeant Wayne Hunter said.

Police have made referrals to Oranga Tamariki for the care of the child.

“The woman was not able to drive the vehicle properly, let alone care for the baby who was in the car,” Hunter said.

A 37-year-old woman was remanded to appear in Tauranga District Court at a later date.

Hunter thanked the road workers for alerting police.

“This vigilant reporting is often the key to police being able to respond in a timely manner and hold people to account for their actions.”
