Police made “a significantly higher number of arrests than a standard Saturday night” in Hamilton CBD over the weekend.

A spokesperson said police are “disappointed with the drunken behaviour and high levels of disorder, which crossed the line in the central Hamilton CBD overnight on Saturday”.

Thirty people were arrested after officers witnessed “high levels of intoxication, obstruction and general disorder”, the spokesperson added.

“Of these arrests – three people were arrested for assault, 11 for disorderly behaviour, five for obstruction and four had warrants to arrest and were actively being sought by police.

“It’s disappointing that five people physically obstructed our staff while officers were in the process of arresting others.

“Those offenders were themselves arrested for obstruction.”

The public was urged: “Let police do their job.”

This type of offending can create a sense of distress in the community, the spokesperson said – especially among people who are doing the right thing while socialising.

“It was a particularly busy night in the CBD with several events being held at different premises.

“Our staff were present in the central city from 8pm and further staff were called in to support them due to the amount of disorder taking place.

“Several senior police staff were also on site in the CBD and checked 10 licensed premises to ensure they were complying with the liquor licensing rules.

“A total of 10 liquor ban infringements were also issued to members of the public for drinking in a public place.”

The city is only set to get busier as the weather heats up, the spokesperson continued.

“When individual behaviour affects other’s enjoyment of Hamilton’s hospitality scene, police will take enforcement action.

“Be assured police will be present in future and will hold offenders to account to stop the antisocial behaviour when it arises.”
