Drug use in New Zealand is on the rise and it’s costing the country millions of dollars a week in social harm.

Every region in the country, except Waikato, has recorded above-average meth use, while the number of people consuming cocaine is up in every district.

Kiwis are getting through 17.5 kilos of methamphetamine a week and 3.3 kilos of cocaine a week, new figures by police show.

Drug use is monitored through wastewater results.

Detective Inspector Tim Chao, manager of the National Drug Intelligence Bureau told Checkpoint it was hard to pinpoint one precise cause for the rise.

“Global availability as demonstrated by massive international and domestic seizures are likely to be a big factor.”

It is estimated the levels of meth use are costing the country $19.4 million every week.

Kiwis are using “a lot” of meth, Chao said.

“In Q1 of this year, meth consumption averaged an estimated 17.5kgs a week.”

“Wastewater testing shows that many of our regional towns are actually consuming the highest amounts of methamphetamine per capita.

“These locations also tend to face higher rates of deprivation and lack of access to social services and ongoing support.”

Chao would not be drawn on naming specific towns or regions.

“The big centres are consuming the most in terms of actual volume but again it’s some of our rural communities that are suffering the most harm from drug use.”

Drugs were easier to access now, Chao said, and the global economy playedd a big part.

“The majority of illicit drugs consumed in New Zealand are imported, and in simple terms they’re coming from everywhere.”

Only a small percent of meth consumed in New Zealand was actually manufactured here, he said.

On other drugs, Chao said MDMA use had remained relatively stable over the last couple of years.

“It has a reputation as being a low risk drug but there’s no such things as a safe drug.”

There are dangers in dosage amounts or fake drugs mixed with harmful ingredients.

“What we’d like to say, with all drugs no use is best use. I’ll say that again because it’s important, no use is best use.

“If you are going to use, stay safe.”

Chao referred to drug tEsting services such as Know Your Stuff.

“Get your drugs tested, and don’t use them alone.”

Cocaine is also on the rise.

“I don’t know particularly why cocaine is on the increase,” Chao said.

“Again I think this is due to global availability. There’s just so much of it around internationally and domestically.

“It’s a global economy, not just for legitimate business but also for illegitimate business.”

The National Drug Intelligence Bureau uses the Drug Harm Index published by the Ministry of Health to estimate the impacts of drug use.

“The cost of drug use to New Zealand is considerable,” Chao said.

“For methamphetamine, this equates to $19.4 million a week; MDMA, $857,000 a week, and cocaine, $990,000 per week.

“That’s the social harm cost of using those drugs.”

Social harm includes things like hospital admissions, deaths and other factors, Chao said.

“It’ll definitely be costing us way more than the figures I’ve been giving you.”

