Eliminate bacteria on mouth devices like retainers and Invisalign with the Zima Dental Pod. This ultrasonic cleaning machine has a modern shape and protects your teeth.


An ultrasonic clean: Mouth guards and retainers get dirty. Remove harmful bacteria using ultrasonic wave technology. It produces millions of bubbles that scour and destroy grime, plaque, and bacteria.

Non-abrasive operation: The ultrasonic wave technology is non-abrasive, ensuring your dental devices stay in good condition.

Cleans a range of dental devices: The Dental Pod cleans Aligner/Invisalign, retainers, mouth guards, and dentures.  It’s also great for bite guards, toothbrush heads, and sleep apnea devices.

Clinical use: Ultrasonic cleaners are commonplace in clinical dental settings. Now, you can have its cleaning power right at home.

Easy use: Clean your dental appliance in just 4 steps. The entire procedure takes about 5 minutes.


Keep your dental device clean and safe for your teeth with the Zima Dental Pod.