"Sophie Skelton, known for her role in Outlander, is set to star in the thriller 'Row,' directed by Matthew Losasso. The film, featuring a compelling and ambitious script, follows the aftermath of a woman found on a blood-stained rowboat, with her crewmates presumed dead."
"Outlander's Sophie Skelton lands the lead in the upcoming thriller 'Row,' alongside Bella Dayne, Akshay Khanna, and Mark Trepan. The film, directed by Matthew Losasso, explores the mysterious aftermath of a woman washing ashore on a blood-stained rowboat."
"Thriller 'Row,' directed by Matthew Losasso, has secured Outlander's Sophie Skelton as the lead, supported by Bella Dayne, Akshay Khanna, and Mark Trepan. The story revolves around a woman trying to prove her innocence after washing ashore on a blood-stained rowboat."
"Sophie Skelton, best known for her role in Outlander, is set to star in the thriller 'Row,' directed by Matthew Losasso. The film, featuring a dark and twisty plot, follows the challenging journey of a woman stranded on a rowboat, with filming scheduled to begin next month in Scotland."
"Outlander's Sophie Skelton takes on the lead role in the upcoming thriller 'Row,' directed by Matthew Losasso. The film, also starring Bella Dayne, Akshay Khanna, and Mark Trepan, delves into the aftermath of a woman found on a blood-stained rowboat, with filming commencing in Scotland next month."
"Sophie Skelton, the Outlander star, is set to lead the cast in the thriller 'Row,' directed by Matthew Losasso. The film explores the suspenseful story of a woman washed ashore on a blood-stained rowboat, with her crewmates presumed dead."
"Outlander's Sophie Skelton secures the lead role in the thriller 'Row,' directed by Matthew Losasso. The film, also featuring Bella Dayne, Akshay Khanna, and Mark Trepan, begins filming next month in Scotland, aiming to capture rugged ocean landscapes without relying on VFX."