Work out effectively at home using less space with the McCall Fitness Core Bench. It gives you 12 pieces of workout equipment in one!

Elevate your 2023 workouts with the McCall Fitness Core Bench. This premium home fitness gadget transforms into 12 different pieces of gym-quality workout equipment, working your entire body. Even better, it takes up only 10–12 square feet.

Want to upgrade your workout space? The McCall Fitness Core Bench is the answer. Created by McCall Fitness Industries owner T.J. McCall, this equipment brings pinpoint precision and unique features to your daily workout.

It’s great for the seasoned athlete who needs a challenge as well as users who want to get stronger and more toned. Ready to take your fitness to the next level? Let’s check out this fitness gadget.

Go for a design developed by industry experts

McCall Fitness Industries has years of experience with kinesiology. It understands how the body moves and exactly what it takes to build muscle. The company constantly assesses different methods of improving its products.

This is essential for providing its customers with the best results possible. And, according to the company, this method is the reason it’s been able to create some of the best resistance exercise equipment in the country.

Enjoy 5 core exercise options

While developing the design for this premium equipment, McCall envisioned a piece of equipment that would allow a person to exercise their core muscles in different ways.

So he created a this premium home fitness gadget that could elevate, allowing people to complete 180-degree leg lifts. Today, the Core Bench can extend to twice the height of most exercise benches.

With this design feature, users can do 180-degree leg lifts plus 4 additional core exercises: crunches, Pilates ball crunches, oblique extensions, and hyper extensions.

McCall Fitness Core Bench
McCall Fitness Core Bench during calf raises

Use 12 different pieces of gym-quality equipment

Another important feature of this home fitness gadget is its ability to transform into 12 different pieces of high-quality gym equipment.

According to the company, you’d typically need about 1,000 square feet of space to accommodate these 12 pieces. But, with the McCall Fitness Core Bench, you can get the same exercise diversity in just 10–12 square feet.

Save space with this luxury gym equipment

Whittling gym equipment down from requiring 1,000 square feet to just 10–12 square feet amounts to substantial space savings. In fact, this is what makes the McCall Fitness Core Bench a smart choice for home users and professional gyms.

Home users will appreciate gym equipment that doesn’t take up their entire living room or game area. Meanwhile, the Core Bench has a variety of potential business uses.

Enhance commercial gyms, personal training & physical therapy

And how can this premium home fitness gadget fulfill your business needs? Well, it’s a great choice for gyms inside organizations.

McCall Fitness Industries recommends the product for country clubs, military bases, YMCAs, high school gyms, law enforcement gyms, etc. It’s an excellent way to encourage personnel and students to do several different workouts whenever there’s time.

Meanwhile, the McCall Fitness Core Bench is also a great addition to a personal trainer’s tool kit. It gives trainers 12 pieces of equipment and over 65 gym exercises, enhancing client programs.

Physical therapy facilities can also benefit from using the McCall Fitness Core Bench. It boasts various resistance band training angles, enabling steady blood flow to injured areas.

A variety of training angles also gives therapists the flexibility to create comfortable programs that don’t cause pain for their patients.

Work out using 65+ gym exercises

Encompassing 12 pieces of gym equipment, it gives users access to over 65 gym exercises with this premium home workout gadget.

The exercises include a flat bench press, incline bench press, military press, calf raise, preacher curl, resistance band exercises, core exercises, and many others.

If there’s a gym exercise you love to do, you’ll probably be able to perform it on this total-body gym equipment.

Choose high-quality gym equipment

McCall Fitness Industries relies on fitness professionals, engineers, manufacturing specialists, and comprehensive product tests to create only the highest quality workout equipment.

This way, you can be sure you’re getting the most advanced exercise equipment available.

Read our verdict on the McCall Fitness Core Bench

So, should you buy the McCall Fitness Core Bench? If you’re tired of driving to the gym only to wait in line for the machine you want, or if you’d like to workout any time you choose, the McCall Fitness Core Bench is a wise investment.

It gives you the benefits of 12 different pieces of gym equipment right in your own home. Even better, its compact design takes up only 10–12 square feet of space.

It’s a dream come true for residential, commercial, and professional users alike. Preorder it for its introductory price of $1,499 on Indiegogo.

What are your tips for better workouts this year? Let us know in the comment section!

Lauren has been writing and editing since 2008. She loves working with text and helping writers find their voice. When she's not typing away at her computer, she cooks and travels with her husband and two daughters.