Love horoscope for all zodiac sign

The week starts with the last quarter moon on November 5 in Leo, pushing you to step up the intimacy in your relationship. You can have it all. This energy is wonderful for reflecting upon any baggage you may have dragged to your current situation and releasing. 

Venus aspecting Pluto on November 6 has you thinking about your long-term goals and what a long-term partnership may look like. When Mercury and Saturn unite that same day, your relationship goals are growing since you're restructuring yourself and thinking about what it means to feel love on all levels. 

Now is a good time to check in on your expectations of those connected deeply to your life. It's the week to break down walls you put up that started from fear surrounding seeing your partnerships as a complementary aspect to your life ambition. The Venus and Mercury aspect Pluto on November 6 and 8.  

This week's vibe has you thinking more deeply about the intimacy you seek to share within partnerships, as well as potential business opportunities that could be helpful to your partnership. Whether it's you or someone else who's crushing, love is on the brain, which means that it's giving you lots to think and talk about.  

This week, you're feeling the urge to merge quite strongly. It may even have you seeking ways to reconnect your schedule to include your lover more frequently. 

You want a firm commitment about where you stand in the romance realm. This may start off rather rocky with limitations as Mercury aspects Neptune on the sixth and shows where people haven't been showing up — a sentiment you'll feel more strongly when Mercury and Saturn square off on November 10.  

You're healing the patterns of love you even witnessed in your childhood. They molded your view of relationships in a way that only you understand. So, go deep with yourself, even if it's a little uncomfortable when Venus and Pluto connect on November 6. There's a chance to heal and foster even stronger bonds.  

The last quarter moon in Leo on November 5 is telling you that there is no need to deny yourself what you know you need to feel whole and complete with those closest to you. At the same time, your daily routine is putting you in a position to move more toward your home.  

Be open and honest with your partners this week and allow the articulation of individual needs to make the beginning of insurance that mature relationships need for accountability's sake. If you feel at all like your daily life doesn't leave much space for love, it's time to restructure.  

Let yourself be swept away during November 5's last quarter moon in Leo. Everyone deserves extra bits of loving sometimes, and you can be guilty of being too busy to embrace it 

You're taking more stock of your needs on a deeply internal level when the last quarter moon in Leo shakes up your chart on the fifth. This is going to bring up a lot in terms of the treatment you give to yourself and also what you've accepted from others. This will change how you connect to those you love, as it offers a chance to talk things out if there are any differences.  

If the company you keep doesn't allow you to express yourself fully, they may not be your true friends. Your real ride-or-die partners in life and love will want you to reach all your goals and support you every step of the way. Fortunately, you’ll have much time to redefine what support means to you when Mercury harmonizes with Neptune on the sixth 

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