Prominent Kiwi psychologist Nigel Latta has provided a “very, very good” update on his cancer treatment, saying that the initial tumour in his stomach was now “pretty much gone”.

Latta was diagnosed with an initial prognosis of terminal stomach cancer in May last year. An inoperable and incurable tumour had formed at the bottom of his stomach, alongside “lymph node activity” in his throat, lungs, stomach and liver.

The surgeon initially told him that he had six to 12 months left to live.

“I’ve been through some pretty traumatic things but that was probably the most traumatic thing – or one of the most traumatic things that I’ve been through,” he said at the time.

“I just remember my brain feeling disconnected, like I’ve been slapped in the side of the cortex.”

In an update to Facebook today, Latta said his health update was “fundamentally very, very good”.

“I’ve responded really well to chemo and it hasn’t effected me as badly as it does some people, and I can take a whole bunch of wonder drugs.”

The original stomach tumour had been “zapped” by these drugs and was now “pretty much gone”, he said.

“There’s a few little bits and pieces to clean up, but the wonder drug that I’m on at the moment is kinda doing that. The good news is I can stay on that indefinitely.”

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Latta said he would now “be around for a long, long time” and that his horizons were now “years, and years and years in the future”.

He revealed that he had written a book during his treatment which would be out in July.

“I got a bit bored watching telly,” he said.

“It’s about how to get through stuff and how to make things happen in your life, and it’s kind of three simple principles I’ve been using my whole life that’s got me to here. I love being back at work, I’ve really missed it.”

He said he had learned a lot during his cancer journey and that “weirdly, it’s not all doom and gloom”.

“I’m feeling sprightly, I’m feeling good, I’m feeling energetic. Health wise, I’m doing really well. Oncology is a miraculous thing, and there are some amazing drugs and I’m benefiting from all of that.”

Latta thanked people for their support shown to him and his wife Natalie.

“It’s just been lovely. It’s a very kind thing for people to do, it’s very humbling.”

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