A Canterbury school has apologised after a uniform pass was issued which permitted a student to wear “incorrect uniform items” such as pounamu, something it admits was “culturally inappropriate”

The Ashburton Intermediate School pass, which was heavily criticised after it was posted online, detailed the “incorrect uniform item” – pounamu – the student was allowed to wear.

“Student must present pass on request,” the pass read.

Principal Brent Gray issued a statement to 1News today following discussion with the Board of Trustees.

“We are grateful to those who have raised the issues around the pass and will rectify immediately any seeking of passes to wear a taonga/pounamu, which we have not denied the wearing of to anyone during my time here,” he said.

“The Board will also review the uniform code ensuring that incidents of this nature do not occur in the future.

“We have issued a response and apology to our school and Māori community and deeply regret any offence we have caused and apologise to all whānau hapū iwi as it was not our intention to cause any grief.”

Gray made a post on Facebook on Saturday to say that the school had been made aware that “culturally inappropriate” uniform passes had been issued.

“Thank you to those who have brought this to our attention and be assured that this is something that we will rectify immediately. Our sincere apologies to anyone we have offended.”

The Ministry of Education said it had been notified of the incident and believed the school had responded appropriately.

“Any parent with concerns about the school’s approach should follow the formal complaints process and raise it with the Board of Trustees directly,” said Hautū (leader) Te Tai Runga (South) Nancy Bell.
