The police Eagle helicopter will be deployed tonight to respond to anti-social vehicle gatherings across the middle and lower North Island.

It comes after two officers were injured after hundreds of boy racers gathered in Levin earlier this month.

Extra police staff and resources have been deployed this weekend to support operations in several locations across the North Island and parts of the South Island.

Assistant Commissioner Sandra Venables said the Eagle helicopter is a valuable tool which relays real-time information to staff on the ground.

“Our Eagle team’s ability to capture visual evidence will also be an important part of our investigation phase. Police districts are organised and well-planned to continue putting pressure on these groups over the weekend, following days, and weeks,” Venables said.

“If you hear the helicopter overhead, please don’t be alarmed – we hope you will be reassured that we are taking action against illegal activity in your community,” she said.

Earlier this week, Canterbury Police impounded three cars and issued 18 infringement notices as part of Operation Cartel – involving about 100 cars partaking in “skid meets” in Christchurch.

Police have also charged an 18-year-old man from Levin with reckless driving causing injury, after a bystander was struck by a vehicle in Foxton earlier this month.

The injured bystander had to have his leg amputated and remains in hospital.

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