Five young men in their “late teens” have been rescued after getting lost on a track in Southland’s Hokonui Hills.

At about 8.15pm last night, officers were alerted to the situation involving a group that had been “unexpectedly caught out while walking – losing the track in failing light.”

“They made the correct decision and alerted police via the SOS function on their cell phone before lighting a fire,” a police spokesperson said.

“A team of 10 Southland Land Search and Rescue volunteers deployed supported by Amateur Radio Emergency Communications and located the group shortly after midnight.

“The group arrived in the car park at 2am in good health despite some miserable weather conditions.”

Police said they are grateful for the positive ending, thanks to the “dedicated volunteers”.

They also would like to remind outdoor enthusiasts to be mindful “that a lack of light can change everything”.

“Unfortunately, the summer hours have well and truly come to an end with the clocks going back an hour a few weeks ago.

“What may start as a day walk could turn into an overnight trip faster than you might realise if you lose sight of the track.”

Here are the tips from police before they set out on their walk.

  • Before you go let family and/or friends know where you’re going, and when to expect you back.
  • Have an emergency locator beacon, these can be purchased from outdoor stores or hired from your closest DOC centre.
  • Take weather forecasts seriously and wear the correct clothing.
  • Have enough food and water should you have to spend extra time outdoors.
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