The Court Theatre in Christchurch is selling of its treasure for one day only tomorrow.

The company has been in a temporary building ever since the Christchurch earthquakes, with staff now preparing to move to a new site.

Among the props up for grabs is a giant puppet, a brain in a jar, taxidermied animals, rolls of vinyl flooring and swords.

The theatre’s properties manager Julian Southgate told 1News hundreds of costumes are set to see the light of day again, with some only used once before being stored away for more than a decade.

A fake leg is also up for grabs.

Christchurch actor William Burns said the sale will be good for schools with upcoming productions, given how expensive and difficult costumes are to make. “They’re just here for $4, that’s a steal,” he said.

The company said prices will range from $2 to $350.

“This event is your last chance to snag some amazing bargains. Following the success of our 2021 sale, we’re back with a treasure trove of vintage and retro goodies from our overflowing costume, props, set, and lighting/sound departments.

“From teddy bear mascots to wedding dresses, sound amps to theatre lamps, and adult sized rocking horses to Viking boots, there’s something to capture everyone’s imagination.”

Tickets are a gold coin donation, with the sale kicking off at 9am tomorrow.

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