Hundreds of infringement notices were issued, dozens of vehicles impounded, and multiple people arrested after police showed up at boy racer events across the country last night.

In Wellington, police said it interrupted boy racer groups at ten different locations, “meaning they were unable to participate in activity such as skids or racing”.

Sixty-nine infringement notices were issued, two vehicles were impounded, and a further four vehicles were seized by bailiffs for unpaid fines.

One person was arrested for “disorderly behaviour”, and twelve vehicles were either pink or green stickered.

“Recent behaviour from antisocial road users has been particularly concerning, and we aren’t going to tolerate it,” acting Wellington District commander Nick Thom said.

“We will continue to target this behaviour until the message gets through.”

The police Eagle helicopter was deployed last night to respond to support operations in several locations across the North Island and parts of the South Island, police said yesterday.

Canterbury sees crackdown too

Police attend one of the Canterbury events overnight.

In Canterbury, police continued to crack down on ” illegal and dangerous behaviour surrounding gatherings of vehicle enthusiasts throughout the district” as part of what it calls Operation Cartel.

Police arrested three individuals on Friday night, impounded fifteen vehicles and issued 260 infringement notices.

A further thirty-six vehicles were either pink or green stickered.

Ten drivers had their licences suspended, two drivers were found to have had excess blood alcohol, and one person was driving while disqualified.

Acting Canterbury District commander Lane Todd said police are “ready and waiting” to take action on boy racers.

“We will be taking necessary action against those who are causing harm on our roads and in our communities.”

Police have a busy night in Manawatu

“We will not tolerate this behaviour,” Acting Wellington District Commander Nick Thom said.

Central District police also used the Eagle helicopter to monitor boy racer events in the Manawatu region.

Seven people were arrested or summonsed to court, and eight people were processed for excess breath alcohol.

Five vehicles were impounded, fourteen were pink or green stickered, and more than 100 infringement notices were served.

The Eagle helicopter assisted police with a fleeing driver, who was spotted “travelling dangerous speeds through Palmerston North City,” police said.

The vehicle was travelling at “more than double the posted speed limit” along Tremaine Avenue.

The helicopter tracked the vehicle and led police to an address after the occupants fled the scene.

Police were directed to the men and arrested them “without incident.” The vehicle was also impounded, and the driver, a 20-year-old man, is due to appear in Palmerston North District Court today on charges including dangerous driving, failing to stop, and driving with excess breath alcohol.

Manawatu Area Commander Inspector Ross Grantham said district staff worked through the night to “curb any illegal behaviour.”

“We’re the ones having to visit families and deliver awful news about their loved ones being involved in serious incidents resulting in injury or death. 

That’s what motivates us. We don’t want to be the people having to deliver that news. It’s absolutely tragic and absolutely avoidable.”

Earlier this month, a bystander was struck by a vehicle in Foxton and had to have his leg amputated. He remains in hospital. 

An 18-year-old man from Levin was charged with reckless driving causing injury. 

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